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Back Pain Treatment Ringwood

Back pain can be experienced by anyone – regardless of age or fitness level – and can occur all the way from the top of the spine and travel all the way to the base of the spine.

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Don’t suffer with back pain any longer

What is back pain?

Back pain can be experienced by anyone – regardless of age or fitness level – and can occur all the way from the top of the spine and travel all the way to the base of the spine. It can sometimes migrate to shoulder pain, neck pain or even buttock pain – and can either be described as acute which lasts for a couple of days to chronic back pain which can last several months. The pain itself can also be sharp and shooting or a dull ache.

If you’re looking for back pain treatment in Ringwood, why not see how our team can help?

What causes back pain?

The causes of back pain vary but some of the most common causes are:

  • Ageing 
  • Accident or injury 
  • Sprain or strains through heavy lifting or repetitive movements
  • Slipped discs 
  • Sciatica 
  • Arthritis 
  • Osteoporosis – where the bones become brittle   

What are the symptoms of back pain?

The most common symptoms of back pain are either a sharp shooting pain or a dull back ache that can occur all over the back. Other symptoms include:

  • Muscle ache
  • Stiffness
  • Reduced mobility
  • Tenderness 
  • Leg pain, shoulder pain and buttock pain
  • Inability to stand up or lie down

How can back pain be managed? 

If you’re suffering from back pain, you’ll likely be pleased to know that there are a variety of techniques that can help you to manage it at home. Over-the-counter painkillers, heat packs and ice packs can reduce pain. You should also avoid lifting heavy objects or doing any exercise that is going to aggravate your condition. It is important to keep moving if you can but be sure to carry out low impact activities like walking or swimming. Maintaining a healthy weight as well as the correct posture are other ways you combat back pain too.

What are the treatments for back pain?

If your back pain is severe or it is getting worse, you should speak to a healthcare professional. They can recommend a treatment programme which may include stronger medication including steroids as well as physical therapy like chiropractic care. In severe cases, surgery can also help when discs are required to be replaced, for example. 

How can chiropractic care help back pain?

Your GP may recommend physical therapy – such as chiropractic care. This is when a trained chiropractor will use their hands to realign the spine and aid with movement. The idea is that spinal manipulation will help the body to heal itself without the need for invasive surgery. This makes chiropractic care a popular treatment for a range of pain including back pain, hip pain, knee pain, ankle pain, foot pain, neck pain and headaches. We’ve also helped patients who are suffering with slipped discs, sciatica, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. Many even experience a reduction in pain after just one session. 

Other benefits of chiropractic care include:

  • Improved mobility
  • Less tension and stress around the body
  • Restored joints

Where can I get back pain treatment in Ringwood?

If you’re looking for back pain treatment in Ringwood, our team would like to invite you to book a free discovery visit. Here, we can discuss your symptoms, explain what to expect from treatment and you’ll be one step closer to a pain-free life. 

Ringwood Chiropractor

Related Chiropractor Services

We offer various treatments and therapies at our clinic in Ringwood. You can check out some of our services listed below or visit our services page for a complete range.

Back Pain

If you are experiencing back pain, we will identify the root cause and develop a customised treatment plan for you.

Disc Problems

A slipped disc is one of the most common causes of back pain and can affect anyone. Book a free discovery visit today.


Treatment of sciatica with Chiropractic is safe and doesn’t use medications or surgery. Visit your local clinic today.

Headaches & Migraines

From tension headaches to migraines, we treat a range of patients – some who have struggled for years.

FAQs about sciatica pain

Most frequent questions and answers

The quickest way to relieve your back pain is to rest, then carry out some gentle stretches, while using hot and cold compresses. Physical therapy including chiropractic care can also reduce your pain in just one session.

If you’re suffering with back pain, why not book a chiropractic session? It’s been proven to treat a range of pain and removes the need for invasive surgery and medication.

The most common causes of lower back pain are slipped discs, muscle strain or a degenerative condition. Our team of professionals can get to the root cause of your pain and help you to regain control of your life.

You can but it will take longer than if you were to have physical therapy. There is also the risk that your back pain might get worse or that it might come back again.

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